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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-1664

Role "skynet-quay-database" does not exist



    • 0


      I'm new to Quay but I've followed the "batteries-included, zero-config" instructions in the README on my OKD cluster. It's unable to start up because of a problem with Postgres that causes it to crashloop:

      Unhealthy deployment:

      [jgazeley@hephaestos quay-operator]$ oc get po
      NAME                                         READY     STATUS                  RESTARTS   AGE
      quay-operator-tng-68fd4fcbc8-r46cd           1/1       Running                 0          19m
      skynet-quay-app-upgrade-6944487677-7tcbw     0/1       CrashLoopBackOff        8          18m
      skynet-quay-config-editor-596bf4dbdc-rmdp6   1/1       Running                 0          18m
      skynet-quay-database-6cfd8cb54-sshfr         0/1       Running                 2          4m23s
      skynet-quay-mirror-58567f9b6-59h4v           0/1       Init:CrashLoopBackOff   5          17m
      skynet-quay-postgres-init-jjbpl              0/1       Completed               0          18m
      skynet-quay-postgres-init-q2p8w              0/1       Completed               0          18m
      skynet-quay-redis-bfcb7995b-lqz5d            1/1       Running                 0          18m

      Postgres having problems:

      [jgazeley@hephaestos quay-operator]$ oc logs skynet-quay-database-6cfd8cb54-sshfr
      pg_ctl: another server might be running; trying to start server anyway
      waiting for server to start....2021-02-19 13:33:25.395 UTC [25] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
      2021-02-19 13:33:25.435 UTC [25] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"
      2021-02-19 13:33:26.086 UTC [25] LOG:  redirecting log output to logging collector process
      2021-02-19 13:33:26.086 UTC [25] HINT:  Future log output will appear in directory "log".
      ........................................................................ done
      server started
      /var/run/postgresql:5432 - accepting connections
      => sourcing /usr/share/container-scripts/postgresql/start/set_passwords.sh ...
      ERROR:  role "skynet-quay-database" does not exist

      And of course, stuff that depends on Postgres is broken too:

      [jgazeley@hephaestos quay-operator]$ oc logs skynet-quay-app-upgrade-6944487677-7tcbw
         __   __
        /  \ /  \     ______   _    _     __   __   __
       / /\ / /\ \   /  __  \ | |  | |   /  \  \ \ / /
      / /  / /  \ \  | |  | | | |  | |  / /\ \  \   /
      \ \  \ \  / /  | |__| | | |__| | / ____ \  | |
       \ \/ \ \/ /   \_  ___/  \____/ /_/    \_\ |_|
        \__/ \__/      \ \__
                        \___\ by Red Hat
       Build, Store, and Distribute your Containers
      Running all default registry services
      Running init script '/quay-registry/conf/init/certs_create.sh'
      Generating a RSA private key
      writing new private key to 'mitm-key.pem'
      Running init script '/quay-registry/conf/init/certs_install.sh'
      Installing extra certificates found in /quay-registry/conf/stack/extra_ca_certs directory
      Running init script '/quay-registry/conf/init/copy_config_files.sh'
      Running init script '/quay-registry/conf/init/d_validate_config_bundle.sh'
      Validating Configuration
      |      Field Group       |                                     Error                                      | Status |
      | AccessSettings         | -                                                                              |      |
      | ActionLogArchiving     | -                                                                              |      |
      | AppTokenAuthentication | -                                                                              |      |
      | BitbucketBuildTrigger  | -                                                                              |      |
      | BuildManager           | -                                                                              |      |
      | Database               | Could not connect to database. Error: dial tcp i/o timeout |      |
      | DistributedStorage     | -                                                                              |      |
      | ElasticSearch          | -                                                                              |      |
      | Email                  | -                                                                              |      |
      | GitHubBuildTrigger     | -                                                                              |      |
      | GitHubLogin            | -                                                                              |      |
      | GitLabBuildTrigger     | -                                                                              |      |
      | GoogleLogin            | -                                                                              |      |
      | HostSettings           | -                                                                              |      |
      | JWTAuthentication      | -                                                                              |      |
      | LDAP                   | -                                                                              |      |
      | OIDC                   | -                                                                              |      |
      | QuayDocumentation      | -                                                                              |      |
      | Redis                  | -                                                                              |      |
      | RepoMirror             | -                                                                              |      |
      | SecurityScanner        | -                                                                              |      |
      | SigningEngine          | -                                                                              |      |
      | TeamSyncing            | -                                                                              |      |
      | TimeMachine            | -                                                                              |      |
      | UserVisibleSettings    | -                                                                              |      |

      I'm running this operator from master at commit e2cdb6d. Happy to gather any other diagnostics that would be helpful. Thanks.

      Issue originally logged at https://github.com/quay/quay-operator/issues/400




            rhn-coreos-amerdler Alec Merdler (Inactive)
            jonathan.gazeley Jonathan Gazeley (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue

