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  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-4061

Maistra Test tool: increase test coverage for must gather


      After this Epic we need to improve and increase test coverage in must gather test case

      A description of tests cases needs to add, after the improvement that we have in the Epic:

      • Run must gather with no smcp installed result in a namespace folder empty (It was validated manually add value to add to a test case?)
      • Run must gather without specifying namespace in the command executed and validate the files exists and that all the namespaces are in the namespace folder. One of the files top validate that exists:

      More path to be validated and files under those paths:


      verify the content of the proxy_stats file (This file is for product page for example, are the stats for a pod with envoy):

      server.stats_recent_lookups: 16220
      server.total_connections: 2
      server.uptime: 23391
      server.version: 7272982

      For our test verify that namespaces folder contains: bookinfo and istio-system

      • Run must gather with the smcp namespace specified and validate that smcp namespace is on namespaces folder
      • After capture with must gather check version of must gather: cat <must-gather-dir>/<istio-must-gather-dir>/version
      • Verify that under namespaces/openshift-operators/operators.coreos.com/clusterserviceversions we have the clusters version files from all the fourth operators installed:
      -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 frherrer  staff  34042 Jun  7 18:13 elasticsearch-operator.v5.7.1.yaml
      -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 frherrer  staff  45756 Jun  7 18:13 jaeger-operator.v1.42.0-5.yaml
      -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 frherrer  staff  31730 Jun  7 18:13 kiali-operator.v1.65.6.yaml
      -rwxr-xr-x@ 1 frherrer  staff  51428 Jun  7 18:13 servicemeshoperator.v2.4.0.yaml

      And are the same than

      frherrer@frherrer-mac must % oc get clusterserviceversions -n openshift-operators
      NAME                            DISPLAY                                          VERSION    REPLACES                        PHASE
      elasticsearch-operator.v5.7.1   OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator                 5.7.1      elasticsearch-operator.v5.7.0   Succeeded
      jaeger-operator.v1.42.0-5       Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing platform   1.42.0-5   jaeger-operator.v1.34.1-5       Succeeded
      kiali-operator.v1.65.6          Kiali Operator                                   1.65.6     kiali-operator.v1.57.7          Succeeded
      servicemeshoperator.v2.4.0      Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh                   2.4.0-0    servicemeshoperator.v2.3.0      Succeeded
      frherrer@frherrer-mac must %
      • verify in cluster wide mode that must gather run shows data from the namespace scoped in the member selector field
      • verify that shows the data for two smcp installed at the same time and also data from the applications deployed for each smcp (This is worth the time?)

            frherrer@redhat.com Francisco Herrera Lira
            frherrer@redhat.com Francisco Herrera Lira
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