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  1. jboss.org
  2. ORG-501

Wiki Plugin : {code:java} renders newlines very inconsistently


      For example, if you look at http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-15029 there are 2 (what appear to me to be) identical java code blocks in terms of the markup, but which are rendered very differently. If you take a look at "Step 2 - Configure your entities, collections, and queries for caching" there is a section "Entities" where the java is rendered ok; there is also a section "Collections" where the java is rendered incorrectly.

      I've seen it happen with


      as well.

      A user entered this so not sure what they did specifically (if they pasted this in from somewhere else). But for the most part me editing and doing the newlines and spaced by hand seemed to alleviate the issues. Except for these java examples.

            lkrzyzan@redhat.com Libor Krzyžanek
            sebersole Steve Ebersole (Inactive)
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