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  1. jboss.org
  2. ORG-349

Incorrect URLs in forum activity messages


      Received following email this morning. The links in the message are incorrect – they do not point to the relevant thread, but rather to some jBPM thread.

      Brian Stansberry,

      A new message was posted in the thread "Running JBoss Cache independent of Java application?":


      Author : Rostislav Matl
      Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/rmatl

      I don't understand well but I'll try gto give some hints.

      It seems that you do not want to run whole JBoss AS just to use Cache. You do not have to, the Cache can be used standalone - it's a shame that there is almost no documentation for this, but there is some example config in the demo application.

      I do not see any advantage in moving it to separate JVM on the same machine - there won't be more memory. Cache can be set to overflow to disk. If you want to move it to separate machine, you have to consider additional the overhead (at least increased latence) - for this I do not know what to use, I've heard about project Cajo, mayby you can give it a try.


      To reply to this message visit the message page: http://community.jboss.org/message/506408#506408

            lkrzyzan@redhat.com Libor Krzyžanek
            bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
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