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  1. jboss.org
  2. ORG-1520

Directory listing, last release link improvment


      We have a problem with the directory listing component:

      We want to promote the last release.
      I saw that there is an option by creating "lastRelease.properties" file.

      In our case there are multiple files to choose from for a last release (GateIn packaged with AS7, or Tomcat 6...) so we can't point to a single file but want to have various links listed.
      For instance we want all of those: http://www.jboss.org/gatein/downloads/gateinportal.html?dir=3.4.0.Final (We will delete md5 and sha1 that are not useful anymore)

      Additionally we would also like to promote the latest development release if there is one newer that the last FINAL release. So we would need to provide a link to those files as well.

            dhladky@redhat.com David Hladky
            theute Thomas Heute
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