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  1. OpenShift Dev Console
  2. ODC-4181

Enhanced catalog experience


    • Enhanced catalog experience
    • To Do
    • 100
    • 100% 100%
    • L


      • Our developer catalog is currently supporting a number of "types", each which may have distinct filtering criteria, etc. With the requirement to support multiple helm repos, soon enough we will need to be able to filter by helm repo etc.

      Exploration Results

      1. GA feature, thus should be properly documented
      2. GA feature, thus need to provide enablement
      3. Include in what's new RHD blog and consider for improved usability blog

      Acceptance Criteria


      1. Refactor developer catalog to consider extension support. Problems to solve: How can we make it extensible so that we can easily add more types of items in catalog

      User Experience

      1. When I enter the Developer Catalog, I should be able to
        1. Filter by category (as we do today)
        2. Filter by name ( as we do today )
        3. Drill into the catalog in context of a type
          1. user should not be able to see any ability to filter by type
          2. user should ONLY see features and filters associated with that specific type of catalog content
          3. user should ALWAYS have the ability to filter by category ( as we do today )
          4. user should ALWAYS have the ability to filter by ( as we do today )
          5. user should be able to navigate back to the more generic view of the catalog, seeing all types
        4. (aka you went to the department store, and should be able to go in and out of different departments easily
      2. When the user initially navigates to the catalog in context of a specific type ( e.g. Operator Backed ),
        1. user should not be able to see any ability to filter by type
        2. user should ONLY see features and filters associated with that specific type of catalog content
        3. user should ALWAYS have the ability to filter by category ( as we do today )
        4. user should ALWAYS have the ability to filter by name ( as we do today )
        5. user should NOT be able to navigate to the full view of all catalog types
        6. (aka you went to the shoe store, who knows if the coat store is near by)
      3. A user should be able to enter the catalog in context of the following items (include on Add?)
        1. Operator Backed
          1. When in the Operator Backed catalog, the Group By feature should be available
        2. Helm
          1. When in the Operator Backed catalog, the ability to filter by repo should be available (covered by separate epic)
        3. Builder Image
          1. When in the Builder Image catalog, there are no context specific features
        4. Template
          1. When in the Template catalog, there are no context specific features
        5. Event Source
          1. When in the Event Source catalog, the ability to filter by connectors should be availalbe (covered by separate epic)

      Design Artifacts


      Slack Channel

      #tmp-odc-catalog-experience on CoreOS Slack instance


      Things that may integrate into the catalog experience in the future are Tekton Tasks, Quick Starts, ???

            Unassigned Unassigned
            sdoyle@redhat.com Serena Nichols
            Rohit Rai Rohit Rai
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