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      Goal: Update OLM in relation to central k8s CRD improvement; including both the OLM component as well as tools and features for workload operators to better handle CRDs improvements themselves.

      Benefit hypothesis: As central k8s improves and releases new versions for CRDs, both OLM and workload operators that OLM manages need to make changes to support these new versions.

      Why is this important: Many workload teams have requested OLM functionality around conversion webhooks and absent OLM providing this functionality, each workload operator will need to deliver redundant functionality.  As k8s goes to v1 CRDs and plans to deprecate v1beta1 CRDs, OLM and workload operator teams need to transition to the new required versions.

      Acceptance criteria:

      • v1 CRDs are supported in both OLM and associated tools
      • Conversion webhooks are supported natively by OLM. 
      • Path to migration from v1beta1 to v1 CRDs is provided for workload operator teams.


            Unassigned Unassigned
            DanielMesser Daniel Messer
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