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  1. OpenShift Cloud
  2. OCPCLOUD-2112

Support for AWS Placement Groups


    • Support for AWS Placement Groups
    • False
    • False
    • To Do
    • OCPSTRAT-38 - Support for AWS Placement Groups
    • OCPSTRAT-38Support for AWS Placement Groups
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done

      Users would desire to create EFA instance MachineSet in the same AWS placement group to get best network performance within that AWS placement group.

      Note: This Epic was previously connected to https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPPLAN-8106 and has been updated to OCPBU-327.


      The Scope of this Epic is only to support placement groups. Customers will create them.
      The customer ask is that placement groups don't need to be created by the OpenShift Container Platform
      OpenShift Container Platform only needs to be able to consume them and assign machines out of a machineset to a specific Placement Group.

            joelspeed Joel Speed
            tkatarki@redhat.com Tushar Katarki
            Huali Liu Huali Liu
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
