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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-33835



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      Description of problem:

          We were trying to use Agent Based Installer to provision an OCP cluster with 4.16.0-rc.0. And we notice that a new flag is introduced when generating the Agent ISO to skip the FIPS validation which is "OPENSHIFT_INSTALL_SKIP_HOSTCRYPT_VALIDATION". We tried this flag, but seems after successfully generating the Agent ISO and booted from the Agent ISO, the bootstrap process failued.
      And this is the document we were trying to follow when using this flag:
      - [OCPBUGS-15845] FIPS install should fail if installer is not FIPS capable - Red Hat Issue Tracker
      Here is how we generated the Agent ISO
      # ./openshift-install-fips create cluster
      Heer is the error we've noticed after booting from Agent ISO:
      # openshift-install agent wait-for bootstrap-complete --dir manifest --log-level debug 
      May 09 07:28:51 c3-esx02.rackd16.local service[6045]: time="2024-05-09T07:28:51Z" level=error msg="error 
      running openshift-install create manifests, stdout: level=error msg=failed to fetch Master Machines: 
      failed to load asset \"Install Config\": failed to create install config: invalid \"install-config.
      yaml\" file: fips: Forbidden: target cluster is in FIPS mode, enable FIPS mode on the host\n" func="
      github.com/openshift/assisted-service/internal/ignition.(*installerGenerator).runCreateCommand" file="
      /src/internal/ignition/ignition.go:1697" cluster_id=24b30f76-1bf4-4e95-aba8-098501cd5f6d error="exit 
      status 3" go-id=22542 request_id= 
      May 09 07:28:51 c3-esx02.rackd16.local service[6045]: time="2024-05-09T07:28:51Z" level=error msg="
      failed generating install config for cluster 24b30f76-1bf4-4e95-aba8-098501cd5f6d" func="github.com
      file="/src/internal/bminventory/inventory.go:1758" cluster_id=24b30f76-1bf4-4e95-aba8-098501cd5f6d 
      error="error running openshift-install manifests, level=error msg=failed to fetch Master Machines: 
      failed to load asset \"Install Config\": failed to create install config: invalid \"install-config.
      yaml\" file: fips: Forbidden: target cluster is in FIPS mode, enable FIPS mode on the host\n: exit 
      status 3" go-id=22542 pkg=Inventory request_id=
      May 09 07:28:51 c3-esx02.rackd16.local service[6045]: time="2024-05-09T07:28:51Z" level=warning msg="
      Cluster installation initialization failed" func="github.com/openshift/assisted-service/internal
      /bminventory.(*bareMetalInventory).InstallClusterInternal.func3.1" file="/src/internal/bminventory
      /inventory.go:1377" cluster_id=24b30f76-1bf4-4e95-aba8-098501cd5f6d error="failed generating install 
      config for cluster 24b30f76-1bf4-4e95-aba8-098501cd5f6d: error running openshift-install manifests, 
      level=error msg=failed to fetch Master Machines: failed to load asset \"Install Config\": failed to 
      create install config: invalid \"install-config.yaml\" file: fips: Forbidden: target cluster is in FIPS 
      mode, enable FIPS mode on the host\n: exit status 3" go-id=21309 pkg=Inventory request_id=3bc56967-11b3-
      May 09 07:28:51 c3-esx02.rackd16.local service[6045]: time="2024-05-09T07:28:51Z" level=warning msg="
      Failed to prepare installation of cluster 24b30f76-1bf4-4e95-aba8-098501cd5f6d" func="github.com
      /openshift/assisted-service/internal/cluster.(*Manager).HandlePreInstallError" file="/src/internal
      /cluster/cluster.go:981" cluster_id=24b30f76-1bf4-4e95-aba8-098501cd5f6d error="failed generating 
      install config for cluster 24b30f76-1bf4-4e95-aba8-098501cd5f6d: error running openshift-install 
      manifests, level=error msg=failed to fetch Master Machines: failed to load asset \"Install Config\": 
      failed to create install config: invalid \"install-config.yaml\" file: fips: Forbidden: target cluster 
      is in FIPS mode, enable FIPS mode on the host\n: exit status 3" go-id=22542 pkg=cluster-state request_id=
      May 09 07:28:51 c3-esx02.rackd16.local service[6045]: time="2024-05-09T07:28:51Z" level=info msg="
      Successfully handled pre-installation error, cluster 24b30f76-1bf4-4e95-aba8-098501cd5f6d" func="github.
      com/openshift/assisted-service/internal/cluster.(*Manager).HandlePreInstallError" file="/src/internal
      /cluster/cluster.go:991" cluster_id=24b30f76-1bf4-4e95-aba8-098501cd5f6d go-id=22542 pkg=cluster-state 
      May 09 07:28:56 c3-esx02.rackd16.local start-cluster-installation.sh[7165]: Cluster status: preparingfor-installation

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

          1. Generate Agent ISO with OPENSHIFT_INSTALL_SKIP_HOSTCRYPT_VALIDATION to be true     
          2. Boot the node from Agent ISO and then we'll notice this error

      Actual results:

          Cluster Provisioning Failure

      Expected results:

          Cluster Provisioning Successful

      Additional info:


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