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  1. Observability Documentation
  2. OBSDOCS-923

Add a note for the example OpenTelemetry Collector in the installing Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry doc.


      In our Red Hat build of OpenTelemetry installation documentation, 

      Procedure using web console point 3.c and CLI point 3.a, we need to mention that its just a example collector config custom resource, something like this:

      This example OpenTelemetry Collector Custom Resource (CR) deploys an instance named 'otel' in a specified project, which receives trace data via OTLP, Jaeger, and Zipkin protocols, processes it with memory limiting and batching, and exports it using the debug exporter which exports data to console. For more configuration options, refer the Configuration of OpenTelemetry collector page. 

            rhn-support-mleonov Max Leonov
            rhn-support-ikanse Ishwar Kanse
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            2 Start watching this issue
