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  1. Observability and Data Analysis Program
  2. OBSDA-24

Developing a new dashboard for OCP UI is hard and problematic to maintain


    • False
    • False
    • Undefined
    • 0

      When developing a new CNV dashboard for OCP UI, I found that you have to do the following steps:

      1. Install Grafana operator(not yet working in 4.9).
      2. Connect to internal Prometheus based on this article https://www.redhat.com/fr/blog/custom-grafana-dashboards-red-hat-openshift-container-platform-4
      3. Create the dashboard you want in Grafana.
      4. Export the json file from Grafana and create a configmap in the openshift-config-managed namespace
      5. Add the label console.openshift.io/dashboard":"true" to the config map

      The issue is that OCP doesn't support the Grafana json file as is and many changes needs to be done manually by try and error to get it to work.

      In the process I found that many of the features in the new dashboards are not yet supported in the UI and had to drop important functionality.

      Expected behavior:
      Be able to use the Grafana json as is , even if some functionality is unsupported.
      Have documentation for how to do that and specify which Grafana version should be used for the development, if a specific one is needed.

      It was very hard to tell why the dashboard doesn't show as expected.
      Also, the new Grafana versions json file changed and it makes currently supported OCP UI features like row panels to not show in the UI and updating this manually is very problematic.

            rh-ee-vmartini Vanessa Martini
            sradco Shirly Radco
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
