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  1. repository.jboss.org/nexus
  2. NEXUS-109

Release steps 10.1.2 - Upgrade of Nexus to 2.6.3-01


    • Icon: Release Release
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 10.1.2 Nexus
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Pre-release steps

      1. [V] Download the installation RPM 2.6.3-1.el5.x86_64.rpm .
      2. [H] Create fusesource, tc and developers roles on Nexus

      Release steps

      1. [V] set up the outage page redirect for the web interface and service unavailable for the repositories. should be an exception.
      2. [H] remove security url realm from available security realms and all active users using this realm
      3. [V] Wait till the sheduled disk backup is complete
      4. [V] Turn off puppet
      5. [V] Install the RPM
      6. [V] Check, that /services/nexus/nexus-professional-latest symlink exists. It should now point to the latest Nexus version. All puppet files pointing to the current (numbered) directory shall be changed to point to this symlink instead.
      7. [V] Check, if /services/nexus/nexus-professional-latest/bin/nexus has following line:\\RUN_AS_USER=jetty
      8. [V] Check /services/nexus/nexus/conf/nexus.properties . Eloqua URL must be http://www.stage.redhat.com on staging, while http://www.redhat.com on production
      9. [V] Remove /services/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/conf/url-realm.xml from disk (and Puppet)
      10. [V] Copy jboss-realm.properties file (attached in this issue) to the folder from previous step. On the production change all servers to the production ones (remove -stg twice) and add this file to Puppet
      11. [V] Remove (and backup somewhere) /services/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/timeline folder (the folder must be removed completely to be recreated by Nexus when it starts)
      12. [V] In /services/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/conf/nexus.xml replace definition of unzip repository with following content:
          <name>Unzip repository (public)</name>
      13. [V] In /services/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/conf/security-configuration.xml change "url" realm to "jboss"
      14. [V] In /services/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/conf/security.xml change all


      15. [V, H] Turn on Puppet and check the modified files are in place
      16. [V] Start the Nexus service
      17. [V,H] check the nexus-gc.log for errors
      18. [H] Apply the UI settings (add the new realm)
      19. [V] Restart Nexus
      20. [H] Check login using Jboss realm
      21. [H] Check the branding logo
      22. [H] Check Eloqua tracking plugin
      23. [H] Check, if "unzip" virtual repository works properly
      24. [V] remove the redirect to the maintenance page


      1. [V] stop the new version of nexus
      2. [V] ask IT to revert the disk to the last backup
      3. [V] start Nexus service
      4. [H] check the functionality
      5. [V] remove the redirect to the maintenance page

            dhladky@redhat.com David Hladky
            dhladky@redhat.com David Hladky
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