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  1. Migration Toolkit for Red Hat Openshift Project Lead
  2. MTRHO-75

[BUG] No way to specify an alternate transfer-pvc image


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      *What version of crane are you running, and what are your clutsters+platform*
      0.0.4 dev

      *What did you expect to happen?*
      There's no way to override the transfer-pvc image.

      *What actually happened?*
      There's no way to override the transfer-pvc (rsync) pod. This means it always pulls from quay.

      *Please include any relevant logs or errors*
      It looks like crane-lib has a default set that can be overridden, but it is not exposed in crane.

      I think we need to roughly approximate the tunnel-api options:
      --destination-image string The container image to use on the destination cluster. Defaults to quay.io/konveyor/openvpn:latest
      --source-image string The container image to use on the source cluster. Defaults to quay.io/konveyor/openvpn:latest

      This will be important for downstream as well, since we'll probably have many cases where pulling from quay is not desired or even possible.

            rhn-engineering-jmontleo Jason Montleon
            rh-ee-dzager David Zager
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
