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  1. FUSE Mediation Router
  2. MR-841

Improve the readability of route-list


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.12.0.redhat-61379
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Moved from ENH queue:

      A customer uses longer route names in their environment, however, the route names get truncated and are difficult to read, i.e:

      admin@cont-company> route-list
      Route Id             Context Name         Status              
      [rest-company-view ] [company-rest-service] [Started           ]
      [rest-company-put  ] [company-rest-service] [Started           ]
      [rest-company-post ] [company-rest-service] [Started           ]
      [rest-company-remove] [company-rest-service] [Started           ]
      [private.rest.company.update.ids] [company-rest-service] [Started           ]
      [private.rest.company.remove.ids] [company-rest-service] [Started           ]
      [private.company.bulk.import.seda.dead] [company-bulk-import] [Started           ]
      [company-bulk-import] [company-bulk-import] [Stopped           ]
      [private.company.bulk.import.run] [company-bulk-import] [Started           ]
      [private.company.error404] [company-bulk-import] [Started           ]
      [company-bulk-index] [company-bulk-import] [Stopped           ]
      [private.company.bulk.import.process] [company-bulk-import] [Started           ]
      [private.company.bulk.import.fetch] [company-bulk-import] [Started           ]
      [private.company.bulk.import.insert] [company-bulk-import] [Started           ]
      [company-bulk-index-cleaner] [company-bulk-import] [Stopped           ]
      [private.company.indexing.seda.dead] [company-processing] [Started           ]
      [company-update-ids] [company-processing] [Started           ]
      [company-admin-ids ] [company-processing] [Started           ]
      [company-retry-error-ids] [company-processing] [Started           ]
      [private.company.indexing.process] [company-processing] [Started           ]
      [private.company.indexing.fetch] [company-processing] [Started           ]
      [private.company.indexing.insert] [company-processing] [Started           ]
      [private.company.indexing.delete] [company-processing] [Started           ]

      Customer is asking for an extra line between the contexts to benefit the readability. By this he means groups of routes based on camel context name separated with a blank line.

      If that is possible it may look smarter alright: and avoid the redundancy:

      [rest-company-view ] [Started ]
      [rest-company-put ] [Started ]

            cibsen@redhat.com Claus Ibsen
            rhn-support-sjavurek Susan Javurek
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
