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  1. FUSE Mediation Router
  2. MR-612

Add the ability to determine if a Synchronization instance is part of a given Exchange instance


      The current Exchange implementation does not provide the ability to determine if a given Synchronization instance is already part of a given Exchange.
      There is a request that we provide the ability to determine if a given Synchronization instance is part of an Exchange instance.

      Currently, the only method that we have is the 'addOnCompletion' call.

      We could include a 'allOnCompletion' call that returns a unmodifiable collection or we can have a 'containsOnCompletion' method that returns true if the instance exists.

            cibsen@redhat.com Claus Ibsen
            davestanley Dave Stanley (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
