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  1. Maistra
  2. MAISTRA-2586

WASM feature is not working because podman is failing due to nsenter binary not present


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • maistra-2.1.0
    • maistra-2.1.0
    • container, pilot, wasm
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • undefined
    • Sprint 8, Sprint 9

      Podman requires nsenter binary to be present to run certain commands. Currently, pilot image - which has podman - does not install nsenter.

      WASM feature relies on podman. Podman not being able to pull images because nsenter is missing in the image.

      The error message is:

      Error: error configuring CNI network plugin: exec: "nsenter": executable file not found in $PATH

      I'm not sure why this is an issue now. Perhaps an update to the ubi8 base image caused this.

       The error above can be seen in the `wasm-cacher` pod in the control plane namespace after creating a SME (ServiceMeshExtension) resource like this.


      This test passes with the fix to the image.

            jsantana@redhat.com Jonh Wendell
            jsantana@redhat.com Jonh Wendell
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