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  1. Log Tool
  2. LOGTOOL-31

Allow exception methods to set fields on the exception object


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 1.0.0.CR3
    • None
    • None

      Create a new annotation called @Field which accepts a single string parameter. For methods which return an exception, the values of these parameters will be assigned to fields on the exception object with the corresponding name.

      For example:

      @Message(id = 1000, "The transaction failed because blah blah %s")
      XAException transactionFailedBlah(String blah, @Field("errorCode") int errorCode);
      // should also continue to work with @Cause in conjunction with exceptions which don't have a cause param:
      @Message(id = 1001, "The operation was interrupted unexpectedly by %s")
      InterruptedIOException surprise(String reason, @Cause Throwable someCause, @Field("bytesTransferred") int bytesTransferred);

            jperkins-rhn James Perkins
            dlloyd@redhat.com David Lloyd
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
