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  1. OpenShift Logging
  2. LOG-1168

Disable hostname verification in syslog TLS settings


    • Logging (Core) - Sprint 208

      Customer wants to send syslog to external host over TLS. The TLS configuration generated for syslog fixes the hostname verificatiopn to true. This leads to failures while sending logs to external syslog



      // code placeholder
        <match **>
          @type copy
          	@type remote_syslog
          	@id syslogout
          	host syslog-receiver.openshift-logging.svc
          	port 24224
          	rfc rfc5424
          	facility user
              severity debug
          	appname ${tag}
          	msgid mymsg
          	procid myproc
          	protocol tcp
          	packet_size 4096
          tls true
            ca_file '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/syslog-receiver/ca-bundle.crt'
            verify_mode true
          timeout 60
            timeout_exception true
            keep_alive true
            keep_alive_idle 75
            keep_alive_cnt 9
            keep_alive_intvl 7200


      tls true

      config leads to setting hostname verification while creating SSLSocket.

      So need to disable it.




      Slack discussion thread: https://coreos.slack.com/archives/CB3HXM2QK/p1612450673342600

            vimalkum@redhat.com Vimal Kumar
            vimalkum@redhat.com Vimal Kumar
            Anping Li Anping Li
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
