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  1. JBoss Web Server
  2. JWS-976

jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec jar needed in JWS' Tomcat /lib directory

      See https://github.com/web-servers/narayana-tomcat#transactions-api-jar-and-jws-976

      Even if user packages Narayana in the war file, it is still necessary to copy Transactions API jar to the Tomcat's /lib directory so as Tomcat DBCP2 works with TransactionalDataSourceFactory.java without classloader issues.

      We have to design a way to resolve this PITA for users. Could we simply start shipping the API jar in JWS distro? Given it does not change frequently anyway I suppose... Do something with the listener and classlaoding? Ideas?

              rhn-support-csutherl Coty Sutherland
              mbabacek1@redhat.com Karm Karm
              Karm Karm Karm Karm
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