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  1. Red Hat Data Grid
  2. JDG-67

Source code for RHEL6 C++ client does not compile


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      Download the RHEL 6 C++ client source distribution, unzip, and try to build it

      Download the RHEL 6 C++ client source distribution, unzip, and try to build it

      There are differences in the jni/pom.xml and jni/maven-settings.xml files between the RHEL 6 and 7 source code distributions. The RHEL 7 code compiles, but the RHEL 6 code does not.

      I'll attach the maven-settings.xml files to this JIRA, and here are the differences in the pom.xml files.

      RHEL 7 version of jni/pom.xml:

         <name>Infinispan HotRod JNI Wrapper</name>
         <description>Infinispan HotRod JNI Wrapper</description>

      RHEL 6 version of jni/pom.xml:

         <name>Infinispan HotRod JNI Wrapper</name>
         <description>Infinispan HotRod JNI Wrapper</description>

      The version.org.infinispan is incorrect, and the version.org.jboss.jbossts is also unavailable in the repo.

        1. maven-settings.xml
          0.7 kB
          Alan Field
        2. maven-settings.xml
          2 kB
          Alan Field

            vdedik Vaclav Dedik (Inactive)
            rhn-support-afield Alan Field
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
