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  1. Red Hat Data Grid
  2. JDG-3629

Ensure max-idle works with enabled eviction and a configured persistence


    • DataGrid Sprint #67

      If a cache is configured with eviction and expiration max-idle, correct with a store (passivation=false) to keep the evicted entries, the cache size and entries comming down to the eviction limit after max-idle is reached.

      Note this will happen no matter whether a get() or getWithMetadata() is used.

      Configuration is like below.

      <distributed-cache name="ExpirationCache" owners="2" mode="ASYNC" remote-timeout="25000" start="EAGER">
      <locking isolation="READ_COMMITTED" striping="false" acquire-timeout="20000" concurrency-level="1000"/>
      <transaction mode="NONE"/>
      <object size="5"/>
      <expiration max-idle="20000" lifespan="100000"/>
      <persistence passivation="false">
      <file-store max-entries="1000000" relative-to="jboss.server.data.dir" path="api-general-filestore" name="api-general-filestore" shared="false" preload="false" fetch-state="true" purge="true"/>

            wburns@redhat.com Will Burns
            rhn-support-wfink Wolf Fink
            Diego Lovison Diego Lovison
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
