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  1. Red Hat Data Grid
  2. JDG-287

Improve JCache Remote behaviour when Management port unavailable


    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.)
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      Documentation update:

      A new boolean property has been define named "infinispan.jcache.remote.managed_access" which can be passed in via `CachingProvider.getCacheManager` for building a remote JCacheManager instance. By default this property is "true" which means that remote JCacheManager will use management APIs, which require authorized access to port 9990, to create and destroy caches. However, it is more common for remote users to define their caches server side in configuration and simply retrieve them via JCacheManager, rather than creating/destroying caches remotely via JCacheManager. In this case it is recommended to pass "infinispan.jcache.remote.managed_access" with "false" as value so that no management APIs are used at all.
      Documentation update: A new boolean property has been define named "infinispan.jcache.remote.managed_access" which can be passed in via `CachingProvider.getCacheManager` for building a remote JCacheManager instance. By default this property is "true" which means that remote JCacheManager will use management APIs, which require authorized access to port 9990, to create and destroy caches. However, it is more common for remote users to define their caches server side in configuration and simply retrieve them via JCacheManager, rather than creating/destroying caches remotely via JCacheManager. In this case it is recommended to pass "infinispan.jcache.remote.managed_access" with "false" as value so that no management APIs are used at all.

      The management connection need to be available to start a client with JCache remote.
      This is not necesarry if no cache management (create destroy) is needed.


      • Checking the existence of a cache should be done using remoteCacheManager.getCache() to avoid the need to check cache existence via Management port.
      • If Management port connection fails, the transaction should be laundered into an Exception that is more meaningful for the end user.

            rh-ee-galder Galder ZamarreƱo
            rhn-support-wfink Wolf Fink
            0 Vote for this issue
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