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  1. JBoss Developer Materials
  2. JDF-753

Update Ticket Monster tutorial to work with EAP 6.3


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • ticket-monster
    • None

      I've tried to follow ticket-monster tutorial using the environment described above (JBoss Developer Studio 8 + EAP 6.3.0), and stumbled upon several issues. I think they could have been mentioned in the tutorial.

      First of all, I had to replace pom.xml > dependencyManagement > dependencies > dependency > groupId = "org.jboss.bom" with "org.jboss.bom.eap" for both jboss-javaee-6.0-with-tools and jboss-javaee-6.0-with-hibernate artifacts.

      Since the build still failed, I continued looking for a solution and stumbled upon WFK Supported Configurations page which stated that WFK-2.6 projects cannot be built against EAP 6.3.0.GA alone and require EAP 6.2.3. So, I've downloaded the 6.2.3 repo and published it on my Nexus instance.

      However, the build still failed as it turned out due to a known issue, WFK2-642, and in order to workaround it I had to add http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public to my Nexus instance. I could have saved a lot of time if tutorial contained a link to the list of known issues.

      Finally, it took me a while to realize that "No connection specified for project. No database-specific validation will be performed." JPA problem reported by Eclipse can be safely ignored.

            vineet.reynolds_jira Vineet Reynolds (Inactive)
            mkalkov_jira Mikhail Kalkov (Inactive)
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