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  1. JBoss Developer Materials
  2. JDF-665

Archetype jboss-html5-mobile-archetype - wrongly generated README.md file


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
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    • archetypes
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      1. Generate a project "html" based on archetype jboss-html5-mobile-archetype available on https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-wfk-archetypes with the version 2.5.0-build-SNAPSHOT

      mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jboss.archetype.wfk -DarchetypeArtifactId=jboss-html5-mobile-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=2.5.0-build-SNAPSHOT

      2. Open the README.md file

      1. Generate a project "html" based on archetype jboss-html5-mobile-archetype available on https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-wfk-archetypes with the version 2.5.0-build-SNAPSHOT mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.jboss.archetype.wfk -DarchetypeArtifactId=jboss-html5-mobile-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=2.5.0-build-SNAPSHOT 2. Open the README.md file

      There, in the README.md file, are wrongly generated both the name of the *.war file (line 66) and the URL, the application is accessible on (line 72).
      In my case (when the name of the application is "html") the generated text contains:

      4. This deploys `target/jboss-html.war` to the running instance of the server.
      Access the running client application in a browser at the following URL: <http://localhost:8080/jboss-html/>.

      but should contain:

      4. This deploys `target/html.war` to the running instance of the server.
      Access the running client application in a browser at the following URL: <http://localhost:8080/html/>.

      so, without the prefix "jboss-".
      Remove it please from the template.

            rafabene_jira Rafael Benevides (Inactive)
            mjobanek Matous Jobanek
            Matous Jobanek Matous Jobanek
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
