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  1. JBoss Web Services
  2. JBWS-317

Wrap document style request/respose structure


    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.), Interactive Demo/Tutorial

      With doc/lit web services, a single complex request/respose structure is marshalled/unmarhalled to/from XML.
      Consequently, without automatic unwrapping the SEI method can only take a single complex type parameter, which is the request structure and return a complex type that is the response structure.

      Starting with jboss-4.0.3 we support automatic wrapping/unwrapping of doc/lit request/respose structures. The complex types corresponding to these structures must be properly mapped in jaxrpc-mapping.xml. The SEI may consume the unwrapped properties of the request structure.

      In -f:documentliteral mode, wscompile generates the complex wrapper objects and also the propper mapping in jaxrpc-mapping.xml

            Unassigned Unassigned
            tdiesler@redhat.com Thomas Diesler
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