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  1. JBoss Web Services
  2. JBWS-282

Add support for Non-Direct SecurityTokenReferences


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • jbossws-1.0RC1
    • None
    • ws-security
    • None

      The WS-Security specification referes to about 5 different methods for referencing security token references:
      They are as follows:

      DirectReferences - currently implemented
      Key Identifies - (this would correspond to the x509 identifier hash)
      Key Names
      Embedded References
      KeyInfo - from xml security

      Care should be taken in deciding which of these we should implement, because the WS-Security profile draft outlaws most of them. Key identifies are probably the only other style we should support. Unfortunately the WS-Security spec doesnt require any of these, so we may have to determine this based off of interoperability testing.

            jgreene@redhat.com Jason Greene
            jgreene@redhat.com Jason Greene
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