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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-6646

ForbiddenClassException thrown when accessing case documents


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      1. Import the version of itorders project that is part of kie-wb-playground, deploy it and start a case instance.
      2. When you successfully upload a document as part of Prepare hardware spec user task, the execution moves to Manager approval user task which uses the uploaded document as input data.
      3. When you try to start the user task from Task List perspective in Workbench, by first selecting the task in order to open a side panel with the start option, the exception is thrown. Screenshot attached.

      1. Import the version of itorders project that is part of kie-wb-playground , deploy it and start a case instance. 2. When you successfully upload a document as part of Prepare hardware spec user task, the execution moves to Manager approval user task which uses the uploaded document as input data. 3. When you try to start the user task from Task List perspective in Workbench, by first selecting the task in order to open a side panel with the start option, the exception is thrown. Screenshot attached.
    • 2017 Week 47-48

      is thrown when trying to access document within a task context, which is stored in the case file.

      Note: I tried simply adding the class to the white list in KieServerTypePermission.java, but that alone didn't fix the problem.

            swiderski.maciej Maciej Swiderski (Inactive)
            bsremac_jira Bojan Sremac (Inactive)
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