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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-3049

JPAWorkingMemoryDbLogger.updateProcessLog uses hard coded query (likely hibernate specific)


    • Compatibility/Configuration
    • Low

      in this function there is a hardcoded query string :

      List<ProcessInstanceLog> result = getEntityManager().createQuery(
      "from ProcessInstanceLog as log where log.processInstanceId = ? and log.end is null")
      .setParameter(1, processInstanceId).getResultList();

      it gives the following error:
      <openjpa-2.0.1-r422266:989424 nonfatal user error> org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException: "Encountered "from" at character 1, but expected: ["DELETE", "SELECT", "UPDATE"]." while parsing JPQL "from ProcessInstanceLog as log where log.processInstanceId = ? and log.end is null". See nested stack trace for original parse error.

      Fix: use a named query and put it in orm.xml

            marco.rietveld Marco Rietveld (Inactive)
            jschmied_jira Jürgen Schmied (Inactive)
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