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  1. jBPM
  2. JBPM-2467

ForkActivity setActivity(null) breaks console integration (process state diagram and others)


      When deploying processes with forks in them, attempting to start them or view their state in the GWT-console causes exceptions (see attachment).

      Apparently, the console integration code gets upset about the activity of the parent execution being null.
      The activity is set to null by:

      ,-- ForkActivity.java, lines 73-79 –

      if (Execution.STATE_ACTIVE_ROOT.equals(execution.getState())) { | concurrentRoot = execution; | execution.setState(Execution.STATE_INACTIVE_CONCURRENT_ROOT); | execution.setActivity(null); | }

      else if (Execution.STATE_ACTIVE_CONCURRENT.equals(execution.getState()))

      { | concurrentRoot = execution.getParent(); | }


      Now, I admit of not having an idea about much of the inner working of the pvm/jpdl/console etc., but I do wonder why it would be necessary to set this to null when it is marked as inactive anyway?
      After trying to workaround it in the console code (ModelAdaptor.java, around line 100 with a Todo linking to https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBPM-2220) I commented out the setActivity() part and have the process running nicely now. Maybe I will hit side-effects later on.

            jbarrez Joram Barrez (Inactive)
            sny_jira Marko Friedemann (Inactive)
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