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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4 and 5
  2. JBPAPP-8084

Update farmed Application Deployment (EAR/WAR) results in org.jboss.seam.RequiredException: @Out attribute requires non-null value: updateBackingContentAction.packageType


    • Release Notes
    • Workaround Exists
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      1. Undeploy first version and deploy second one as new;

      1. Undeploy first version and deploy second one as new;
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      When using the administration console to update an application (EAR or WAR) deployed to the farm directory, the target application would be removed from the farm directory and deployed to the deploy directory. This will result in the farmed attribute value being null when the administration console UI expected it to be set to true. This issue has been resolved by ensuring that existing applications that are marked as farmed continue to be deployed in the farm directory which ensures <literal>farmed=true</literal> on the updated deployment.
      When using the administration console to update an application (EAR or WAR) deployed to the farm directory, the target application would be removed from the farm directory and deployed to the deploy directory. This will result in the farmed attribute value being null when the administration console UI expected it to be set to true. This issue has been resolved by ensuring that existing applications that are marked as farmed continue to be deployed in the farm directory which ensures <literal>farmed=true</literal> on the updated deployment.
    • Documented as Resolved Issue
    • NEW

      1. Setup an EAP instance;
      2. Deploy an application (EAR/WAR) to the above instance using "Deploy Farmed" option;
      3. Verify that the application is properly deployed;
      4. Update the application using the same EAR/WAR (From admin-console, expand and select the deployed EAR/WAR, select it's Content tab and then click Update)

      Actual Result:
      Deployment fails with the following Exception:

      16:49:35,946 ERROR [UpdateBackingContentAction] ResourceType[id=0, category=Platform, name=Linux, plugin=Platforms] has no associated creation package type.
      16:49:35,999 ERROR [Exceptions] handled and logged exception
      javax.el.ELException: org.jboss.seam.RequiredException: @Out attribute requires non-null value: updateBackingContentAction.packageType

      Expected Result:
      The updated deployed application is properly deployed and no exception is thrown.

            rhn-support-loleary Larry O'Leary
            rhn-support-bkramer1 Biljana Kramer
            Russell Dickenson Russell Dickenson (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
