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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 4 and 5
  2. JBPAPP-4326

HHH-4786 Hibernate SerializableType + Custom Serializable Class Causes CL Problems


    • Release Notes
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      The changes for <ulink url="https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBPAPP-4471">JBPAPP-4471</ulink>
      caused an issue when users mapped non-JDK Serializable classes with <varname>SerializableType</varname>, and attempted to cache those values into a second level cache.
      <varname>SerializableType</varname> reported the classloader of <classname>java.io.Serializable</classname>
      as the classloader to use for deserialization. However, this classloader could not see into the classloader, or non-JDK classes.

      The classloader from
      <methodname>org.hibernate.util.SerializationHelper.deserialize(InputStream, ClassLoader)</methodname> now attempts to resolve the classloader that needs to be deserialized. If it cannot do this successfully, it uses the context classloader from the current thread and the classloader that loads the Hibernate class.
      The changes for <ulink url=" https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBPAPP-4471 "> JBPAPP-4471 </ulink> caused an issue when users mapped non-JDK Serializable classes with <varname>SerializableType</varname>, and attempted to cache those values into a second level cache. <varname>SerializableType</varname> reported the classloader of <classname>java.io.Serializable</classname> as the classloader to use for deserialization. However, this classloader could not see into the classloader, or non-JDK classes. The classloader from <methodname>org.hibernate.util.SerializationHelper.deserialize(InputStream, ClassLoader)</methodname> now attempts to resolve the classloader that needs to be deserialized. If it cannot do this successfully, it uses the context classloader from the current thread and the classloader that loads the Hibernate class.
    • Documented as Resolved Issue

            rrajasek@redhat.com Rajesh Rajasekaran
            rhn-support-jawilson Jimmy Wilson
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
