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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-8245

Launch instance wizard: multiple RSE/Server Adapter pages when server config file could not be accessed


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 3.2.0.Final
    • 3.2.0.CR1
    • deltacloud
    • None
    • Hide

      You can only reproduce this if the connection to you instance fails.

      1) pick "Launch instance" in the context menu of the Cloud viewer
      2) fill in all needed values on the 1st page
      3) choose to create RSE and a Server Adapter on the 2nd page
      4) choose the option (radio button) that pulls the server settings from a file on the instance in /etc/sysconfig/jboss-eap
      5) make sure the path to the option file is bad
      6) hit finish
      7) You are notified that the Server Adapter could not fetch the config file. Tell him to try again
      8) the 2nd page of the wizard pops up again. Fill in the runtime and hit "finish"
      9) you get notified that the config file could not be fetched. Tell it to try again.

      the 2nd page of the wizard pops up a 2nd time. If it fails again and you confirm again, you get another instance of the 2nd page etc. (see screenshot)

      You can only reproduce this if the connection to you instance fails. 1) pick "Launch instance" in the context menu of the Cloud viewer 2) fill in all needed values on the 1st page 3) choose to create RSE and a Server Adapter on the 2nd page 4) choose the option (radio button) that pulls the server settings from a file on the instance in /etc/sysconfig/jboss-eap 5) make sure the path to the option file is bad 6) hit finish 7) You are notified that the Server Adapter could not fetch the config file. Tell him to try again 8) the 2nd page of the wizard pops up again. Fill in the runtime and hit "finish" 9) you get notified that the config file could not be fetched. Tell it to try again. Result: the 2nd page of the wizard pops up a 2nd time. If it fails again and you confirm again, you get another instance of the 2nd page etc. (see screenshot)

      1. JBIDE-8245.patch
        1 kB
        Rob Stryker
      2. launch-instance-wizard-fails.png
        239 kB
        André Dietisheim

          rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
          adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
          0 Vote for this issue
          3 Start watching this issue
