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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-596

VPE navigation problems


      Import attached test page.
      Open it with VPE. Select Visual/Source tab
      In Visual part navigate elements using keyboard.

      Next possible navigation problems found(navigation started from top):

      1. Richtoolbar group (panel with 6 icons) - left-right on icons don't work
      2. Datalist element - "up" button from it don't work
      3. Add ajax... - "up" button don't work
      4. PanelBar - "down" button don't work
      5. Canon - "up" and "down" buttons don't work
      6. Panel (under the Canon element) - "up" button don't work
      7. Tab under DataGrid - "up" button don't work
      8. Expences - don't work "left", "right" and partially "up" and "down" buttons
      9. Drop down menu - "down" button don't work
      10.Slider part - "down" button don't work, when it selected

            ibuziuk@redhat.com Ilya Buziuk
            anis_jira Aliaksey Nis (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue
