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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-5890

Recognize/Set a SOA-P Server Runtime


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Major Major
    • LATER
    • 3.1.0.CR2
    • esb
    • None
    • Documentation (Ref Guide, User Guide, etc.)

      I have one more question. Why when you create a JBoss ESB Project it ONLY offers you the chance to create an EAP Runtime and NOT and ESB Runtime? I create the ESB project and I go to "Add Runtime" but it is an EAP Runtime "Type" that I end up with (although I am pointing it to an
      ESB Runtime).

      When you create an ESB project it needs an EAP runtime (SOA-P is an EAP) and the type if we had one would be SOA-P (not just ESB).
      The "runtime" you point to here is the complete server runtime (i.e. EAP), not just ESB. Right now we unfortunately don't have a good check
      if the underlying EAP includes an ESB runtime or not (like we i.e. have for Portal) this is something we will need to work on going forward. The notion of ESB Runtime is something we have for standalone ESB, not full platforms (like EAP and SOA-P).

      To solve/align it better it would be major new functionality that would go into a JBDS 3.1 or even JBDS 4.

            bfitzpat_rh Brian Fitzpatrick (Inactive)
            skoussou Stelios Koussouris (Inactive)
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