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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-5234

jPDL 4 Graphical Designer problem when naming Nodes under Windows XP and maybe other Windows Products


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • 3.1.2
    • 3.1.0.M4
    • jbpm
    • Interactive Demo/Tutorial, Compatibility/Configuration
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide

      Workaround is to edit the file from the XML view, or clicking on the task node once, and changing it;s name from there.

      Workaround is to edit the file from the XML view, or clicking on the task node once, and changing it;s name from there.

      This bug affects the Graphical Designer of JBoss Tools.

      Version tested on :
      jBPM 4 Graphical Editor and Tools 4.0.0.v200910281724M-H247-M4 org.jboss.tools.flow.jpdl4.feature.feature.group

      Issue : When creating a process definition inside a project, I open the Graphical Editor in order to design the process.

      I add tasks, transitions, etc. On the bottom of the page, on the tabs list, I have a "Proprieties" tab. In there, I can change/add specifications to the selected node.
      If I try to change the name from there, after Every character written the cursor goes at the first position of the box. So when I write a task with the name : "test", it will appear "tset".
      Note that editing from the XML directly works perfectly.
      Note that clicking on the task name and changing it from there, works perfectly too.
      Only issue is when modifying the task name from the Proprieties on the bottom area of the IDE.

      This is my first bug report, so please have mercy. I tried to be as technical as I could.

        1. wrong-beanid1.png
          32 kB
          Jiri Peterka
        2. wrong-beanid2.png
          35 kB
          Jiri Peterka

            kaers@redhat.com Koen Aers
            sorinello_jira Burjan Romulus Sorin (Inactive)
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