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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-4531

ClassNotFoundException "org.hibernate.eclipse.launch.SeamUtil" when generating entities


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 3.1.0.M2, 3.1.0.M3
    • 3.1.0.M2
    • hibernate, seam2
    • None
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide

      Repackage SeamUtil class into the eclipse\plugins\org.hibernate.eclipse_3.3.0.M2-N200906241801-H293\org.hibernate.eclipse.jar file makes the "Seam Generate entities" to work.

      Repackage SeamUtil class into the eclipse\plugins\org.hibernate.eclipse_3.3.0.M2-N200906241801-H293\org.hibernate.eclipse.jar file makes the "Seam Generate entities" to work.

      When using Jboss Tools's "Generate Entities", a ClassCastException occurs and the entities cannot be generated when clicking on the "Finish" button (see screenshot).
      The exception message is: "org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.ExporterException: Exception when instantiating tool hibernatetool.util.toolclass with org.hibernate.eclipse.launch.SeamUtil".
      The root cause seems that the org.hibernate.eclipse.launch.SeamUtil class could not be found (ClassNotFoundException).

      In JBossTools-ALL-win32-3.0.1.GA-R200905070146-H18.zip, there was a SeamUtil class in "eclipse\plugins\org.hibernate.eclipse_3.2.4.GA-R200905070146-H18\org.hibernate.eclipse.jar\org\hibernate\eclipse\launch\"

      In JBossTools-ALL-win32-3.1.0.M2-N200906241801-H293.zip, this is not the case anymore: the "launch" package is no more in "eclipse\plugins\org.hibernate.eclipse_3.3.0.M2-N200906241801-H293\org.hibernate.eclipse.jar\org\hibernate\eclipse\"

      Since there is a workaround, I set the severity to "Critical" rather than "Blocker".

            anis_jira Aliaksey Nis (Inactive)
            jkronegg_jira Julien Kronegg (Inactive)
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