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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-26160

Server Adapter: erroneously stays in [Debugging] when you kill the pod



      1. EXEC: create an application (via ex. nodejs-mongo-persistent template), import the project and create a server adapter for it
      2. ASSERT: server adapter is created
      3. EXEC: start the server adapter in Debugging
      4. ASSERT: sever adapter is in [Debugging, Synchronized] state
      5. ASSERT: select pod and pick "Port Forwarding..." and it states that the forwarding is started
      6. EXEC: in Explorer: select the pod for your service and pick "Delete"
      7. ASSERT: pod gets deleted and recreated
      8. ASSERT: select pod and pick "Port Forwarding..." and it states that the forwarding is stopped

      The server adapter still says that is is [Debugging, Synchronized], but debugging is not working any more. Debugging doesn't work any more because the port forwarding was stopped. To have it running again you need to restart the port forwarding for the new pod.

      Expected result:
      Server adapter should get out of debugging and back into normal run mode [Started, Synchronized].

            jmaury@redhat.com Jeff MAURY
            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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