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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-25905

[Deploy Image to OpenShift ->Service & Routing Settings] Service Port table awkward behavior after reset


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.6.0.AM3
    • 4.5.3.AM3
    • openshift
    • None

      [Service & Routing Settings] page in [Deploy Image to OpenShift] Wizard.
      Service Ports table starts to behave awkward after reset.


      1. ASSERT: have a docker image available that exposes several ports (ex. registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/ose-haproxy-router:v3.7.14 which exposes 4 ports)
      2. EXEC: in Docker Explorer: select your docker image and pick "Deploy to OpenShift..." from the context menu
      3. ASSERT: "Deploy Image to OpenShift" wizard shows up
      4. EXEC: get to the "Services & Routing Settings" page
      5. ASSERT: all ports are listed, a port is checked in column "Used by route"
      6. EXEC: hit "Reset" (and confirm the dialog that asks you if you want to reset the ports)
      7. EXEC: click in the column "Used by route" on the 2nd port (or any unchecked entry)

      Labels for columns "Name", "Service Port", "Pod Port" disappear

        1. service-ports.gif
          976 kB
          Denis Golovin
        2. services-routing-page.png
          80 kB
          André Dietisheim
        3. services-routing-page-no-labels.png
          61 kB
          André Dietisheim

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            nivologd@gmail.com Denis Golovin (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
