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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-24495

Provide the equivalent to "oc new-build" && "oc start-build" && "oc expose"


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.30.x
    • 4.4.4.Final
    • openshift
    • None

      Helloworld MSA - the reference examples for openshift - is using the command line client "oc" to create the applications in OpenShift.
      A typical approach is doing the following:

      $ oc new-build --binary --name=hola -l app=hola
      $ mvn package; oc start-build hola --from-dir=. --follow
      $ oc new-app hola -l app=hola,hystrix.enabled=true
      $ oc expose service hola

      For people to be able to run those with Eclipse tooling people should be able to run the equivalent in Eclipse.
      The alternative approach, that's currently available in Eclipse is imbo less evident: Users can currently build docker images locally and deploy them to OpenShift.
      The tricky part though - for now - is that the CDK is not providing access to the docker registry from the outside: the docker registry address is a private IP that's only reachable within OpenShift. Users can get around this limitation by building docker images using the docker daemon in OpenShift, which is publicly reachable. Once available in the OpenShift docker daemon it can be pushed to the OpenShift docker registry.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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