Uploaded image for project: 'Tools (JBoss Tools)'
  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-24382

Update Neon.3 target platform using Docker 2.3.0, not 2.3.1


    1. Mirror http://download.eclipse.org/linuxtools/update-docker-neon3respinb to http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/requirements/docker/ (Done today.)

    2. Update jbt/ds 4.63.x TPs to use this Neon.3-respin-b version of Docker Tools (PR forthcoming.)

    cc: jjohnstn lvalach_jira odockal@redhat.com

    Why, you ask?

    Well, the rebuild of Docker Tools fixes wiring issues w.r.t. docker by depending on OLDER dependencies like spotify.docker 3.4, httpcomponents.httpcore (and httpclient), plus backlevels jnr.* plugins too.

    Without this fix [1], installation may pull in an older version of Docker Tools, which depends on newer dependencies. This forces the old deps and the newer feature to be installed and used.

    [1] https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-openshift/pull/1492 & https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-openshift/pull/1493

      1. byoe_afeter_install.png
        42 kB
        Ondrej Dockal
      2. BYOE_keep.png
        63 kB
        Lukáš Valach
      3. byoe_keep2.png
        48 kB
        Ondrej Dockal
      4. BYOE_show.png
        149 kB
        Lukáš Valach
      5. BYOE_update.png
        102 kB
        Lukáš Valach
      6. byoe_update2.png
        64 kB
        Ondrej Dockal
      7. devstudio-1040GAvsAM3.png
        81 kB
        Nick Boldt
      8. install-devstudio1040ga-ci-snapshot-byoe.png
        71 kB
        Nick Boldt
      9. install-devstudio1040ga-ci-snapshot-byoe-docker2.3.0.20170307.png
        85 kB
        Nick Boldt
      10. p2diff_460_summary.txt
        8 kB
        Nick Boldt
      11. p2diff_460.txt
        99 kB
        Nick Boldt
      12. p2diff.txt
        6 kB
        Nick Boldt
      13. processing_information_1.png
        204 kB
        Lukáš Valach
      14. processing_information_2.png
        204 kB
        Lukáš Valach
      15. processing_information_3.png
        204 kB
        Lukáš Valach
      16. rh_central_remediation_page_keep.png
        121 kB
        Lukáš Valach
      17. rh_central_remediation_page_show.png
        156 kB
        Lukáš Valach

          odockal@redhat.com Ondrej Dockal
          nickboldt Nick Boldt
          0 Vote for this issue
          4 Start watching this issue
