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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-24241

Server adapter not working when created from replication controller fallback


    • devex #131 April 2017
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      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection and a project
      EXEC: Create a new application (I used nodejs:latest image)
      EXEC: Wait for a pod to start
      EXEC: Remove the created service and deployment config
      EXEC: Create a new server adapter -> Openshift 3 server adapter
      EXEC: Choose the deployment of the newly created application
      ASSERT: In Resource Details, the Kind property says 'ReplicationController'
      EXEC: Finish the wizard
      RESULT: The server adapter is created
      RESULT: An error occurs when starting the server adapter

      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection and a project EXEC: Create a new application (I used nodejs:latest image) EXEC: Wait for a pod to start EXEC: Remove the created service and deployment config EXEC: Create a new server adapter -> Openshift 3 server adapter EXEC: Choose the deployment of the newly created application ASSERT: In Resource Details, the Kind property says 'ReplicationController' EXEC: Finish the wizard RESULT: The server adapter is created RESULT: An error occurs when starting the server adapter

      When no service nor deployment config is available, it is possible to create a server adapter using replication controllers. A server adapter created this way errors on start with the following message:

      An internal error occurred during: "Starting nodejs-1 (ReplicationController) at OpenShift 3 (".
      deploymentconfigs "nodejs" not found deploymentconfigs "nodejs" not found

            jmaury@redhat.com Jeff MAURY
            jrichter@redhat.com Jan Richter
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