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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-23708

Pod Log: unable to get build log if build failed with error


    • devex #129 March 2017
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      pick "Show In > Web Console in the context menu and inspect the logs there.

      pick "Show In > Web Console in the context menu and inspect the logs there.

      steps to reproduce:

      1. ASSERT: make sure that you have a build that failed (ex. launch a nodejs build and shut down your vpn. The build will fail because it cannot connect to the registry)
      2. EXEC: in Properties view: select "Builds" tab and choose your erroring build. Choose "Build Log..." in it's context menu

      You're told that you cannot get the logs for an erroring build. You therefore cannot have insights on why your build failed:

      The webconsole allows you to inspect those logs:

            jmaury@redhat.com Jeff MAURY
            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
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