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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-22916

Deploy Docker Wizard: Deploying a docker image from OpenShift explorer does not fetch metadata if image is not pulled to a docker connection


    • devex #119 August 2016, devex #121 October 2016
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      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection with a project.
      ASSERT: Have a docker connection in docker explorer.
      EXEC: Select a context menu item Deploy Docker Image in context menu of a project.
      EXEC: Paste docker image name e.g. docker.io/openshift/hello-openshift.
      EXEC: Proceed to next wizard page(s).

      RESULT: There are no prefetched and processed metadata of the image.
      EXPECTED RESULT: Metadata are correctly processed and shown.

      ASSERT: Have an OpenShift 3 connection with a project. ASSERT: Have a docker connection in docker explorer. EXEC: Select a context menu item Deploy Docker Image in context menu of a project. EXEC: Paste docker image name e.g. docker.io/openshift/hello-openshift. EXEC: Proceed to next wizard page(s). RESULT: There are no prefetched and processed metadata of the image. EXPECTED RESULT: Metadata are correctly processed and shown.

      When I am trying to deploy a docker image from context menu of a project in OpenShift explorer view and I paste image name (e.g. docker.io/openshift/hello-openshift), image metadata are not fetched/processed and thus there are no environment variables in the wizard and routing (routing wizard page is empty and cannot finish dialog - requires manual entry). This force user to enter the details manually, otherwise he would get deployed not working pod. This is happening only in case when user provide an image without any tag and thus there is/supposed to be assumed tag "latest".

      You can observe that it works when using tag v1.2.1. Difference between images with tag v1.2.1 and latest is that v1.2.1 contains exposed ports also in container config, not just in general config of the image.

            jmaury@redhat.com Jeff MAURY
            mlabuda_jira Marián Labuda (Inactive)
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