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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-20477

Template presentation is incorrect in New App wizard


      Trying to create a new app from template, there are issues in the templates that are displayed and filter which I think are related to being able to choose your project on the first page.

      The addition of the project drop down makes the content of the template pane moot. It should be modified to only include the project selected in the project drop down.

      The templates in all the projects on the server in question:

      [root@vagrant vagrant]# oc get templates
      [root@vagrant vagrant]# oc get templates -n openshift
      NAME                                    DESCRIPTION                                                                        PARAMETERS      OBJECTS
      amq6                                    Application template for ActiveMQ brokers.                                         13 (2 blank)    8
      amq6-persistent                         Application template for ActiveMQ brokers using persistent storage.                14 (2 blank)    9
      eap6-amq-persistent-sti                 Application template for EAP 6 A-MQ applications with persistent storage buil...   23 (7 blank)    11
      eap6-amq-sti                            Application template for EAP 6 A-MQ applications built using STI.                  22 (7 blank)    10
      eap6-basic-sti                          Application template for EAP 6 applications built using STI.                       12 (3 blank)    6
      eap6-https-sti                          Application template for EAP 6 applications built using STI.                       16 (5 blank)    8
      eap6-mongodb-persistent-sti             Application template for EAP 6 MongDB applications with persistent storage bu...   28 (14 blank)   11
      eap6-mongodb-sti                        Application template for EAP 6 MongDB applications built using STI.                27 (14 blank)   10
      eap6-mysql-persistent-sti               Application template for EAP 6 MySQL applications with persistent storage bui...   29 (16 blank)   11
      eap6-mysql-sti                          Application template for EAP 6 MySQL applications built using STI.                 28 (16 blank)   10
      eap6-postgresql-persistent-sti          Application template for EAP 6 PostgreSQL applications with persistent storag...   26 (13 blank)   11
      eap6-postgresql-sti                     Application template for EAP 6 PostgreSQL applications built using STI.            25 (13 blank)   10
      jws-tomcat7-basic-sti                   Application template for JWS applications built using STI.                         11 (3 blank)    5
      jws-tomcat7-https-sti                   Application template for JWS applications built using STI.                         15 (4 blank)    7
      jws-tomcat7-mongodb-persistent-sti      Application template for JWS MongoDB applications with persistent storage bui...   27 (11 blank)   10
      jws-tomcat7-mongodb-sti                 Application template for JWS MongoDB applications built using STI.                 26 (11 blank)   9
      jws-tomcat7-mysql-persistent-sti        Application template for JWS MySQL applications with persistent storage built...   28 (13 blank)   10
      jws-tomcat7-mysql-sti                   Application template for JWS MySQL applications built using STI.                   27 (13 blank)   9
      jws-tomcat7-postgresql-persistent-sti   Application template for JWS PostgreSQL applications with persistent storage...    25 (10 blank)   10
      jws-tomcat7-postgresql-sti              Application template for JWS PostgreSQL applications built using STI.              24 (10 blank)   9
      jws-tomcat8-basic-sti                   Application template for JWS applications built using STI.                         11 (3 blank)    5
      jws-tomcat8-https-sti                   Application template for JWS applications built using STI.                         15 (4 blank)    7
      jws-tomcat8-mongodb-persistent-sti      Application template for JWS MongoDB applications with persistent storage bui...   27 (11 blank)   10
      jws-tomcat8-mongodb-sti                 Application template for JWS MongoDB applications built using STI.                 26 (11 blank)   9
      jws-tomcat8-mysql-persistent-sti        Application template for JWS MySQL applications with persistent storage built...   28 (13 blank)   10
      jws-tomcat8-mysql-sti                   Application template for JWS MySQL applications built using STI.                   27 (13 blank)   9
      jws-tomcat8-postgresql-persistent-sti   Application template for JWS PostgreSQL applications with persistent storage...    25 (10 blank)   10
      jws-tomcat8-postgresql-sti              Application template for JWS PostgreSQL applications built using STI.              24 (10 blank)   9
      [root@vagrant vagrant]# oc get templates -n openshift-dev
      [root@vagrant vagrant]# oc get templates -n openshift-infra
      [root@vagrant vagrant]# 

            fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
            jcantril@redhat.com Jeffrey Cantrill
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
