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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-20377

[origin_intservice_59]Port forwarding info disappeared after refreshing pods


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      1: EXEC:select a pod->right click 'Port Forwarding'->click 'Start All'
      2. ASSERT: got below status:
      Name Local Port Remote Port Status
      8080 8080 Started
      3.EXEC:right click to refresh pods
      4.ASSERT: got below status, but actually localhost:8080 can still access, it seems port forwarding info missing after refreshing pod.
      Name Local Port Remote Port Status
      8080 8080 Stopped

      1: EXEC:select a pod->right click 'Port Forwarding'->click 'Start All' 2. ASSERT: got below status: Name Local Port Remote Port Status 8080 8080 Started 3.EXEC:right click to refresh pods 4.ASSERT: got below status, but actually localhost:8080 can still access, it seems port forwarding info missing after refreshing pod. Name Local Port Remote Port Status 8080 8080 Stopped

      Start a port forwarding, you can find port forwarding status 'Started' in 'Application port forwarding' window, then you refresh pod and go to 'Application port forwarding' window again, port forwarding status disappeared.

            jcantril@redhat.com Jeffrey Cantrill
            yue.wang_jira Yue Wang (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
