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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-18985

provide tool to audit BUILD_ALIAS in feature qualifiers when aggregated


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 4.4.1.Final
    • 4.3.0.Alpha1
    • build, updatesite
    • None

      Based on discussion

      Do you have a test for "expected BUILD_ALIAS value in feature qualifiers" ?

      Some tests we can run (forgive this pseudocode):

      // for builds up to a x.y.0 release
      if ((BUILD_ALIAS in (Alpha*, Beta*, CR*) and jbosstools.version endsWith(".0")) {
        // make sure all features end in the same BUILD_ALIAS, or Final
        // if anything doesn't match WARN (want a build to be yellow, not red)
      // for GA builds and followup maintenance
      if ((BUILD_ALIAS in (Final, GA)) {
        // make sure all com.* features end in GA, and all others end in Final
        // if anything doesn't match FAIL (want a build to be red)

      Once we have that coded, perhaps into a maven enforcer plugin?, we can fine tune it for cases like where Freemarker does an update in Alpha and then does nothing for 4 months, waiting for CR/GA.

      Should they have to keep updating their root pom just so the BUILD_ALIAS matches and they're building against the correct target platform?

      Or, should their code remain dormant, but their job's config.xml be updated to override the BUILD_ALIAS & TARGET_PLATFORM values to the correct versions?

            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            nickboldt Nick Boldt
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