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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-18711

Cordova plugin addition and removal fails when config.xml is in a linked folder


      When config.xml is present in an Eclipse Linked folder (not in a symbolic link), then attempting to add or remove plugins (and possibly other operations on config.xml) fails with a spurious NullPointerException (without a stacktrace).

      This pretty much means that the Hybrid Mobile application project with a linked folder for 'www' is in a read-only state for plugin addition/removal. If any plugin should be added or removed, the linked folder must be dropped, converted to an ordinary folder (or symbolic link), and then re-created after modifications.

      To verify
      1. create a new project
      2. copy www folder to an alternate location
      3. remove www folder
      4.add www folder from alternate location as a linked folder (New Folder > Advanced> Link to alternate location)
      5. add cordova plugins to the project. [Check they are added]

            gercan@redhat.com Gorkem Ercan
            vineet.reynolds_jira Vineet Reynolds (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
