Uploaded image for project: 'Tools (JBoss Tools)'
  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-1768

hbm2java: error generating collection of components


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • LATER
    • 2.0.0.GA
    • hibernate
    • None

      Java code with annotations should be generated from a mapping file. This file contains a collection of components. Then an exception is thrown. See forum reference.
      The files will be attached.

        1. demo.zip
          2 kB
        2. exception 1.jpg
          exception 1.jpg
          65 kB
        3. ex - cfg.jpg
          ex - cfg.jpg
          96 kB
        4. ex - cogen - cfg 1.jpg
          ex - cogen - cfg 1.jpg
          95 kB
        5. ex - cogen - cfg 2.jpg
          ex - cogen - cfg 2.jpg
          98 kB
        6. ex - stack 1.1.jpg
          ex - stack 1.1.jpg
          232 kB
        7. ex - stack 1.2.jpg
          ex - stack 1.2.jpg
          257 kB
        8. ex - stack 2.1.jpg
          ex - stack 2.1.jpg
          271 kB
        9. ex - stack 2.2.jpg
          ex - stack 2.2.jpg
          235 kB
        10. result.zip
          3 kB
        11. Sample.hbm.xml
          0.7 kB
        12. Sample2Well.hbm.xml
          1 kB
        13. test-case-1_add_2.jpg
          149 kB
        14. test-case-1.jpg
          96 kB
        15. test-case-2.jpg
          96 kB
        16. ZZ_Sample.zip
          5 kB

            kaers@redhat.com Koen Aers
            baz_jira Carsten Hoehne (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
