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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-17002

Add Java 8 connector (JDT/WTP/M2E) in Central for JBT 4.1.2


    We decided to provide an easy way for JBT users to install Java 8 support in Eclipse Kepler SR2 in 1 click, instead of have to chase the update sites for JDT, M2e and WTP.

    All 3 features should be available via a unique connector in JBoss Central > Software Updates

      1. java-8-in-kepler-central-site.png
        110 kB
        Nick Boldt
      2. java-8-in-kepler-central-site2.png
        36 kB
        Nick Boldt
      3. jbide17002-3-4-features.png
        39 kB
        Nick Boldt
      4. jbide17002-6-7-features.png
        58 kB
        Nick Boldt
      5. jbide17002-happy-fun-avail-sites-much-love-wow.png
        46 kB
        Nick Boldt
      6. jbide17002-patch-catg.png
        86 kB
        Nick Boldt

          nickboldt Nick Boldt
          fbricon@redhat.com Fred Bricon
          0 Vote for this issue
          5 Start watching this issue
