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  1. Tools (JBoss Tools)
  2. JBIDE-15665

Application wizard: Wrong output directory in new Tomcat 7 applications


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      • Open the new project wizard in Eclipse and select Openshift application.
      • In the "New or existing Openshift application" window select type "Tomcat 7 (JBoss EWS 2.0) (jbossews-2.0) or use an existing Tomcat 7 application
      • In the next window use an existing Maven project instead of creating a new one.
      Open the new project wizard in Eclipse and select Openshift application. In the "New or existing Openshift application" window select type "Tomcat 7 (JBoss EWS 2.0) (jbossews-2.0) or use an existing Tomcat 7 application In the next window use an existing Maven project instead of creating a new one.
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      manually change the outputDirectory for the war plugin (in openshift profile) in pom.xml to webapps

      manually change the outputDirectory for the war plugin (in openshift profile) in pom.xml to webapps

      I created a new Tomcat 7 Openshift application with the new project wizard, using an existing Maven project. The wizard adds the Openshift profile in pom.xml but outputDirectory is set as deployments instead of webapps, so when the application is pushed to the server it doesn't work.

      Changing deployments to webapps in the Maven plugin makes it work.

            adietish@redhat.com André Dietisheim
            jorgeyp Jorge Yagüe París (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
